Saturday, May 16, 2009

Fibromyalgia: Immunological Theory?

The title of the following article says it all.

High plasma levels of MCP-1 and eotaxin provide evidence for an immunological basis of fibromyalgia.
Zhang Z, Cherryholmes G, Mao A, Marek C, Longmate J, Kalos M, Amand RP, Shively JE.
Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2008 Sep;233(9):1171-80.

How funny! They show that cytokines (products of inflammation) are elevated in fibromyalgia and because of that, fibromyalgia is an immunological disease.
So, if I hurt my finger with a hammer, then develop the expected inflammation, and produce cytokines like in any inflammation, I can say that the cause of my pain is immunological. Gone the hammer, hello immunological!

I am not saying that the cytokines in fibromyalgia are not important! They are part of the problem and of the signs and symptoms ( But they are not the cause of fibromyalgia.

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